Saturday, August 8, 2009

Dance With Me

So you wish to dance with me? Come then.
I’ll lead you on a dance as was never danced by men.
Follow me through shaded brake and glen
Through dappled wood our winding path shall wend.
Oh, can you keep time with me, young man?
Can you get near enough to catch to my twirling hand?
Come and try to catch it, if you can.
If you fail at first, do try again! Again! Again!
Through meadows ripe with sun we shall go.
Through frosty meadows suffocated in the snow.
Over mountains where the harsh winds blow
And hills of the hidden gold where bends the rainbow.
Come! Come! Swifter now I run!
Oh, but our dance is still so far from being done!
And the prize you seek has not been won.
Do not lag behind – oh dear boy, we’ve but begun.
From deserts sands to misty, gnarled moor,
Flee we now beyond the reach of time and back once more,
Running through the ocean’s ceaseless roar.
Almost we forget what we started dancing for!
Are you still behind me? Lose me not!
I shall dance eternally within your aching thought.
Try to keep pace! Alas, you cannot!
Now see what bitter heartbreak your wishing has wrought? ...........reks

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